Office Manager Training Path

If you have goals for the practice, want the place to run more smoothly, and be confident that everything is getting handled correctly and each team member is working on the right thing—then the Office Manager is the key.

The Office Manager is not a receptionist or someone that just “helps the doctor with whatever is needed.” The Office Manager is the executive in charge of the practice—taking the helm while the doctor is chairside. In another industry, this might be called the CEO or COO.

Without a well-trained and competent Office Manager, then either the doctor will be too caught up in management duties to focus on patients, or nothing will actually get done in the practice.

They are responsible for just about everything that occurs in the dental practice. So needless to say, it’s a big job! There are a number of duties involved, and they must understand every aspect of the practice. So, as you’ll see, the training lineup for the Office Manager is extensive. 

We’ll train the Office Manager how to:

Be able to oversee and/or do the jobs themselves when needed:

  • Reception
  • Scheduling
  • Financial
  • Treatment/case acceptance

Monitor practice performance and create growth:

  • Improve patient retention
  • Build a profitable hygiene dept
  • Improve case acceptance
  • Design the schedule for maximum production
  • Get outstanding treatment accepted and completed
  • Monitor key performance indicators for the practice

Manage the staff:

  • Hire quality staff
  • Implement organizational structure and assignment of job functions
  • Get employees fully trained and functioning on the job
  • Evaluate employee performance and maximizing productivity from each position

Organization & Coordination:

  • Review key performance indicators and planning with the doctor/owner
  • Oversee internal and external marketing campaigns
  • Ensure new patient flow is sufficient
  • Ensure current production and future production are adequate to achieve the doctor’s daily, weekly, and monthly goals
  • Ensure team members are meeting their individual quotas
  • Oversee essential meetings, including morning huddles that maximizes daily production/case acceptance, and a weekly staff meeting
  • Coordinate the team throughout the day to ensure everything runs smoothly and assist employees if they’ve run into problems
  • Troubleshoot when things go wrong
  • Handle problems and “put out fires” so they don’t end up on the doctor’s plate
  • Implement management systems and practice policies

Communication, Customer Service, Teamwork & Case Acceptance:

  • See the other learning paths for details on team training courses